Potential Conflicts of Interest
We take our independence seriously. Here's our approach.
We take our independence seriously. One of the reasons we have decided to bring new research to the CompTech market is that we see conflicts in the research previously done, where research authors are rewarded by the companies they cover.
We do in the course of our work engage in commercial transactions with CompTech providers, either directly or indirectly. As a result, we choose to disclose a full list of any potential or perceived conflicts based on a variety of commercial circumstances defined below.
Novo Insights does not receive referral fees from any organization in any way, and we actively decline any invitation or offer to join partner programs that would provide referral fees for us to recommend a solution as part of our work. When we are engaged to support a client find the right CompTech, we are and will remain unbiased to help our client find the right solution for them – not for us.
We have not nor do we expect to ever be paid for promotional content, since we wish for our voice to remain unbiased. Our research is fully self-funded – we do not ask for underwriters or sponsors for any of our content.
We allow the following commercial relationships, which we understand can create a real or perceived conflict of interest. When such circumstances occur, we fully disclose on this page.
Novo Insights Has Been Paid to Speak at a Vendor Event: Our policies do not forbid paid speaking engagements, as we believe that our message and content can benefit those in attendance. We recognize that this can create a potential bias and show favor to these vendors, since our presence at their event is a marketing opportunity for Novo Insights’s services. To date, we have not been compensated for any such events.
Novo Insights or Novo Insights Staff Directly Compensated for Product or Business Advisory: Given our experience in compensation strategy and delivery, we are often asked for advice and perspective on the market and potential product roadmap direction. In most cases, we provide this perspective without reward, as we want to see the market move forward and create greater value. In some cases, when the request comes with a material time commitment, we may be provided compensation for our advice and time.
Novo Insights Has Licensed Content for Provider Distribution: We believe that our point of view is valuable to Compensation leaders as they consider how technology can advance their function, and Providers also want their customers/prospects to be informed consumers. Providers may use our existing research to educate their market. We do not create sponsored research. Content licensing only occurs for existing research materials which are independently created and represent Novo Insight's sole point of view.
Novo Insights Has Been Referred by Provider for a Business Opportunity: CompTech providers typically do not engage in compensation consulting services in the same fashion as we do. As a result, providers will often connect their prospects and customers with us to explore potential consulting work. We acknowledge the potential for underlying bias, but given the relatively wide network of providers and our overall brand presence, we do not feel that referral activity creates a meaningful bias to our research.
Novo Insights Uses Provider As Part Of Client Work: As part of our Compensation Strategy services and certainly part of our Compensation-as-a-Service business, we regularly utilize compensation data and CompTech tools. In the course of that work, we both (a) provide feedback to those providers more regularly based on ongoing interactions, and (b) develop a greater intimacy with their features – both in positive and critical ways.